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Director Prof. Petros Ioannou ioannou@rcf.usc.edu |
Associate Directors | Prof. Randolph Hall rwhall@usc.edu Prof. James Moore jmoore@almaak.usc.edu |
School of Engineering | |
Prof. Frederick Browand: Vehicle aerodynamics browand@spock.usc.edu |
Prof. Maged Dessouky: maged@usc.edu http://www.usc.edu/dept/ise/faculty/Dessouky1.html Dr. Dessouky has an in-depth theoretical and practical understanding of models and heuristic methods for transportation system optimization. He is currently an investigator on several transit-related projects, including the NSF-sponsored Real-time Scheduling of Demand Responsive Systems Project. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from University of California, Berkeley, and M.S. and B.S. degrees from Purdue University. He is the Area Editor of Planning and Scheduling for the International Journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering. |
Prof. Fokion Egolfopoulos: Combustion efficiency and pollution egolfopo@alnitak.usc.edu |
Prof. Gerald Fleischer: Port Technologies fleische@mizar.usc.edu |
Prof. Randolph Hall: Transportation operations and systems analysis rwhall@usc.edu http://www.usc.edu/dept/ise/faculty/Hall.html |
Prof. Petros Ioannou: Vehicle dynamics and control; traffic flow control; Agile Ports ioannou@rcf.usc.edu http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~ioannou/ |
Prof. Laurent Itti itti@pollux.usc.edu We are developing neuromorphic vision algorithms with applications to the visually-guided control of autonomous robotics vehicles. Algorithms mimic the known attributes of early visual pathways in the primate brain, and focus on topics that include attracting attention towards conspicuous scene elements, recognizing objects and actors at attended scene locations, recognizing actions in dynamic scenes, quickly deriving the gist and coarse layout of a scene from a single frame, and biasing the visual analysis of a scene based on high-level behavioral goals. |
Prof. Yan Jin: Ship Technologies yjin@usc.edu |
Prof. Behrokh Khoshnevis: Computer simulation and planning khoshnev@usc.edu |
Prof. Bark Kosko: Fuzzy logic and vehicle control kosko@sipi.usc.edu |
Prof. Elias Kosmatopoulos: Agile Ports kosmatop@usc.edu |
Prof. Peter Lissaman: Vehicle design | |
Prof. Florian Mansfield: Electrochemistry and fuel cells | |
Prof. Geoffrey Martin: Geotechnical aspects of earthquake engineering geomar@mizar.usc.edu |
Prof. Sami Masri: Modeling and control of nonlinear infrastructure systems; monitoring an structural health assessment of transportation systems. masri@usc.edu |
Prof. Najmedin Meshkati: Human factors in control rooms design meshkati@mizar.usc.edu |
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Prof. James E. Moore, II: Transportation engineering and land use planning moore@usc.edu https://viterbi.usc.edu/directory/faculty/Moore/James Professor Moore does fundamental research on the engineering economic aspects of large-scale transportation and land use systems, including seismic risk analysis for transportation networks. Most recently, Professor Moore has collaborated with others in the development of a large scale land use and transportation model of the Los Angeles region for predicting post-earthquake transportation flows. He also applies associative memories and other connectionist computing schemes to the advanced transportation management objectives supported by intelligent vehicle highway systems. He publishes extensively in the transportation engineering and urban planning literatures |
Prof. Mansour Rahimi: Human factors in vehicle design mrahimi@usc.edu Dr. Rahimi is interested in the human side of advanced transportation systems. This includes issues related to safety technology (design and evaluation), system safety engineering (reliability, hazard analysis, failure analysis), human-computer interaction (in-vehicle information technology, cognitive load and driver distraction, usability evaluation and testing). He is also interested in studying the environmental impact of transportation systems (Life-Cycle Analysis, Design for Environment, environmental supply chain and information technology). |
Prof. Paul Ronney: Internal combustion engines and control systems ronney@usc.edu |
Prof. John Silvester: System architecture and simulation silvester@usc.edu |
Prof. Theodore Tsotsis ftsotsis@che1.usc.edu |
Prof. Yan Xiao: Earthquake resistant design of bridges and structures yanxiao@scf.usc.edu |
School of Communication | |
Prof. Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach: Mass media and media intervention ballrok@usc.edu |
School of Policy, Planning & Development | |
Prof. Genevieve Giuliano: Transportation planning and policy analysis giuliano@almaak.usc.edu |
Prof. Peter Gordon: Economic impact modeling and transportation pgordon@almaak.usc.edu |
Prof. Dowell Myers: Urban growth and development dowell@rcf.usc.edu |
Prof. Harry Richardson: International planning and development hrichard@rcf.usc.edu |
Integrated Media Systems Center |